My interest in Complementary Therapy started when a chronic knee problem, which my GP nor physiotherapist could improve, was resolved through acupuncture after 3 treatments. 10 years later when travelling in South-East Asia I experienced the benefits of yoga, massage and auric healing and on my return to England I changed my career path from a Sales Executive to a complementary therapist.
Since 1992 I have trained with Shirley Price International College of Aromatherapy, The Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine And Aromatherapy, International Institute of Rejuvanessence, The Academy of On-Site Massage, and The Institute for Optimum Nutrition constantly updating and extending my knowledge and skill in complementary therapies.
I am qualified in and practice Nutritional therapy, Aromatherapy, Therapeutic massage, Swiss reflex, Massage, Pranayama yoga, Aqua Detox and Rejuvanessence, supporting each person to enhance their wellbeing
Jane de Graff was my teacher of Pranayama Yoga from 1990, permission to teach, the practice with Pranayama Yoga, was granted to me in 1999.
27 years as a complementary therapist has been incredibly rewarding, Experience has allowed me to support myself, family, friends, and clients with natural therapies to re-balance dis-eases ranging through anxiety, depression, muscular and joint pain, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, anorexia, weight loss, alcoholism, thyroid and adrenal disorders, infertility, insomnia, infant colic, weight loss and many others.