Simply Blended by Sarah Bennett


Rejuvanessence, a holistic technique, over 6 sessions helps you to look up to 10 years younger.  Through a combination of light touch therapy, cranio-sacral muscle work and acupressure, tension is released in the connective tissue and 91 muscles of the face, head, neck and shoulders, encouraging restoration of the skin’s natural elasticity, flexibility and hydration and through release of blocked energy in the meridians and accupressure points, supports detoxifying and rebalancing the body.

Our primary organ of emotional expression, joy, stress, laughter, trauma, is the face and this where we look to see what a person is feeling. Every trauma or stress (good or bad) shows itself in our facial muscles; thinking about past negative experiences or imagining their recurrence re-stimulates these same muscular patterns.  tension held witin muscles reduces the flow of nutrients to the dermal layer accelerating the look of age.   The suppresion of emotions also leaves its trace, not only in the stiffness that is the mask we use but also in the expression that we hoped to hide from the eyes of others.

The skin is divided into two layers, The outer epidermis is the layer of skin cells and the dermis underneath, made up of connective tissues, contains the vascular and lymph network which transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and waste products of cellular metabolism away.

Tension in the connective tissue constricts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and waste products away, contributing towards the appearance of lines and aging. The cells of the dermis secrete collagen fibre which weave together creating a net-like structure, and a gelatin-like substance which fill the spaces between fibres. Poor nutrient delivery and waste removal will encourage the gelatine-like filler to bind together in long chains with a loss of fluidity in movement, stiffening and hardening. This can cause the skin to stick to the layers below where the connective tissue is surrounding muscles or bones so that lines and wrinkles become set.

Patterns of tension can be held for years so that with time we no longer notice them. When the physical and mental tensions are released through Rejuvanessence the feeling of relaxation is often new and always wonderful. The gentle, precise movement and manipulation of the tissues of the face, scalp and neck allows tension to be released from both the muscles of the face and the connective tissues which encase the muscles allowing the muscles to relax and lengthen, and regain elasticity and tone. The face returns towards the natural harmonious form full of vitality and balance.

How can Rejuvanessence help?
The special light touch of Rejuvanessence mobilises the body’s own resources and releases the molecular tension. Suddenly the ground substance becomes flexible again. This restores the vitality and mobility of the face. Layers which had been glued together become unstuck. The skin can slide freely above the deeper layers of muscle and bone. The unique quality of Rejuvanessence is the lasting effect in the connective tissue which softens the skin, restores mobility to our expression and improves our complexion.

The jaw bone is moved by four major muscles on each side. If these are out of balance, people have tension in the joint, have problems chewing properly and grind their teeth when they sleep. In addition, if these muscles do not function properly in a balanced way, other muscles are used to compensate. Some of these muscles create double chins or unsightly rope-like folds in the skin of the throat.

Set expressions of anger, fear and sadness melt, leaving a relaxed, joyful, satisfied expression. Lines, bags and wrinkles diminish. The face becomes more flexible, responsive and youthful looking. The complexion improves noticeably, the texture of the skin becomes silky, the colour, from increased circulation shines through. The face shows more spontaneous expressions and look more alive.

The American psychologist William James asked the question “Do we run because we are afraid, or are we afraid because we run?” In other words, is our body language a result of or emotions, or is our physical expression the cause of our feeling and mood?

Easing tension, headaches and migraines
Conventional wisdom has it that by changing our facial expression, we in fact key in different feelings. As a result of relaxing we have a more pleasant expression, send out different signals, and people notice. And they treat us better as a result.

Unnecessary tensions in the muscles around the nose and mouth have a noticeable and limiting effect on the breathing capacity. A smile will increase breathing capacity markedly. Sometimes people tell us that after their sessions they see, hear and even taste things better.

Headaches, for example migraines, even those which have been chronic for many years often disappear during the course of the six sessions. The effects of scar tissue from accidents involving the face, scalp and neck can be minimised. Hard aching shoulders get soft and painless again and the nervous system is rebalanced. Rejuvanessence releases blockages in the body and helps energy to flow again.

Rejuvanessence is carried out over six hour and a quarter sessions where the face is initially worked as whole, sessions two to five work specific areas of the face more intensively (forehead and scalp, eye and upper jaw and cheeks, lower jaw and neck, shoulders), session six focuses on any remaining areas which are stuck, and generally reworks the whole face.

Prices: Course of 6 x 75 minute sessions £540.
 Top-up 90 minute session £90; Taster 90 minute session £90.

Allow and additional 15 minutes to session time for consultation

Contact Sarah Bennett