Entries by sarah

General Data Protection

Sarah Bennett mBANT, mIFPA CHNC GDPR PRIVACY NOTICE Simply Blended is committed to protecting your privacy and complies with the principles of the relevant data protection regulations, including the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This privacy policy explains how and why we collect your personal data and how it […]

Vitamin D Deficiency Raises Cancer Risk and Overall Mortality

Vitamin D Deficiency Raises Cancer Risk and Overall Mortality. Little Sunshine Mistakes that Can Give You Cancer Instead of Vitamin D By Dr. Mercola Unfortunately, due to decades of professional and media misinformation, the typical American believes they should avoid the midday sun and need to use sunscreen before, and several times during, sun exposure. […]

Aromatherapy and Insomnia

Studies have shown that the human brain, working on a subconscious level can strongly associate memories with smells and other senses in our body. For example, the scent of freshly baked cookies may instantly bring childhood memories to mind. Many different smells can trigger specific memories, emotions and feelings. Often the daily pressures of work, […]

Are you tired all the time?

Do you struggle to get going in the morning? Are you feeling the pressure of our 24/7 society and the life that accompanies it?  Perhaps you find it difficult to wind down at night?                            Feeling exhausted is so common that it now […]